Saturday 26 March 2016

Don't turn feeding into a battle ..
There is no doubt, it is first and foremost duty of a mother. But if it is done in a non- scientific way, it results in complete loss of control over your child .
Signs of loss of control ..
1. Child turns face away from food and makes irritating faces.
2. Recurrent vomitings and aversion from food. 
3. Stops feeding with mother, feeds himself in neighbourhood .
4. Some of them learn gulping down food without chewing, results in delayed speech (very common).
5. Some take only Purées or blended food.
6. Start throwing food in drain or hide some where.
7. Complains of pain in abdomen.
As a child's age advances, he starts misbehaving with mother, throws plate or demands only junk food .
It goes on and goes on ...
Why it is so ???
It is because of wrong feeding practice or no knowledge of growth pattern or poor comparison with other's children .
Now it's up to you to take the control or lose ...

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